6336  W.  Post  Road   -   Las Vegas  Nevada  89118


Mailing Address :  P.O.Box 34724 - Las Vegas, NV. 89133- 4724 - U.S.A.

Most Holy Theotokos

Save Us


أيتها الفائق قدسها

والدة الإله خلصينا

Welcome to the official website of Saint Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church in Las Vegas Nevada



This website contains a lot of information about our beloved parish, where we, as Antiochians, come from and news about our organizations, Services, events and projects.


Our website is also educational. We will do our best to post theological articles that are related to our faith and belief.


We will keep working hard to make our website as appealing as possible by updating it often.


We hope that our website will bring spiritual joy to your hearts. Please keep us in your prayers as we do the same for you.

God bless.


أهلاً بكم إلى الموقع الإليكتروني لكنيسة القديس ميخائيل الأنطاكية الأرثوذكسية في لاس فيغاس نيفادا


هذا الموقع الإليكتروني يحتوي على معلومات كثيرة تتعلق برعيتنا ، من نحن كأنطاكيين ، أخبار عديدة لنشاطات مؤسساتنا ، الخدمات الإلهية ، مناسبات رعيتنا ومشاريعنا الحالية والمستقبلية.

موقعنا الإليكتروني هذا هو تعليمي أيضاً. سنعمل قصار جهدنا لنُضَمِّنَهُ مواضيع لاهوتية تتعلق بإيماننا وعقيدتنا.

أننا نسعى جاهدين لتجديد موقعنا الإليكتروني المتواضع هذا باستمرار ونجعل منه متعة روحية لكل الذين يزورونه . أذكرونا بصلواتكم كما نفعل نحن من أجلكم .

الله معكم مباركاً حياتكم.

The Lord Said : You are the light of the world

Let your light so shine before mankind

Text Box: Updated on May 1, 2015

آخر تغيير في 1  أيـــار 2015

Dear Parishioners, Friends & Supporters of our Parish,

We are in the process of updating the Church Data System and trying to have accurate records  that is why we are sincerely asking for your help.

If it happened during the past year that you moved, had a new child, changed your mailing address or phone number, please e-mail the Church Office to the Church hyperlink e-mail below and give us your new information. Please make sure you spell your name correctly.

If you do not receive mail or e-mails from the Church, please let us know immediately. Thank you.



Beloved in the Lord,

If you are a parishioner or a friend of our Parish and are not receiving e-mails from the Church, it means that we do not have your e-mail address in our system.


If you would like to receive periodic e-mails from the Church about Announcements, News or Events related to the Parish, please send us an e-mail with the following words :

Please add me to the Church e-mail system, and we will take care of the rest.

Just click on the Church hyperlink e-mail address below





 Scroll Down For Parish News & Links  Scroll Down For Parish News & Links

Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchate

Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America

Diocese of Los Angeles and the West


Saint Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church


كنيسة القديس ميخائيل الأنطاكية الأرثوذكسية

More Specious

Than Heavens


يامن هي أرحب

من السماوات